Outdoor Education Information for Parents

Our Outdoor Education Program is an important part of the curriculum at ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵIOS. You will find information below to help you and your child be prepared.


What personal equipment will my child need?

Much of the larger equipment is provided by ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵIOS, however your child will be required to own some personal gear which will be used throughout their time here. Purchasing this gear can be a daunting task and to make this process easier we have provided you with a list of equipment and where it can be purchased at a special ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵIOS price. Please click on the button below for the list.

How do you stay warm and dry on camp?

There are 4 videos to watch in this important series and they will play one after the other, or you can choose the one you want by clicking on the 3 horizontal lines on the top right of the video below.

Medication Form

Some students need to take either daily medication or medication as required and it is important we are aware of this while they are away on camp. Please click on the link below to download and complete the form. Students must bring the form and medicines safely enclosed in a waterproof bag, and check all medication with staff on the morning of camp.Ìý

How do you discreetly manage periods?

While this might seem daunting and nerve wracking at first, with careful planning, your child can participate in all of our activities, regardless of what’s happening. Please click here for more detailed information.

ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵIOS Preferred Suppliers

Please click on each box for pricelists.


K2 Base Camp